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In fact, I would prefer that you did not. We are here to learn about sex, which is more easily studied when separated from emotional attachments.’ I squinted at Pamela. ‘You seem quite tense, Pam. Are we moving just a little too fast for you?’ Possibly my previous assessment of Pamela had been inaccurate. Her appearance was quite striking — tall, statuesque, with glorious red hair and emerald eyes, she attracted stares wherever she went. While she did not appear to be consciously encouraging male attention, there was something about her, something that she seemed to be unsuccessfully trying to conceal, that screamed ‘Fuck me!’ ‘I’m dropping this course,’ Pam declared, her lower lip trembling. ‘I don’t like all this sex talk and besides there’s more important things in life than sex and I….I….’ She buried her face in her hands and sobbed. ‘Leave us, Michael,’ I ordered softly. ‘Wait for me in my office, please. I believe there’s a video on female masturbation in the VCR right now.. The interests of interplanetary commerce can't be ignored. Nevertheless, I'm more than certain that President Schmidt will do his best to be a good host."Although that might be so, Paul was in no hurry to leave the good ship Molotov. He'd rather enjoyed his stay in his spacious luxury suite on the space ship's fifth level and, more than even that, the pleasure he'd enjoyed between the sheets with his new wife. Although he was still rather unsure about the meaning invested in the institution, married life was agreeing with him rather well. If what it meant was the constant and reliable attention of the most sexually desirable woman whose body he'd ever enjoyed there was nothing he could possibly complain about. Was it being married that made Beatrice such an agreeable and passionate lover? Paul was sure this wasn't the only reason, but the sum total of his earlier lovemaking was as nothing in comparison.The sheets were damp with perspiration and semen when he awoke after his last.
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