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He grabbed the sheets and jerked them up again, I saw a flash of anger in his eyes."I said, don't bother! Leave me alone, I don't want to be examined. You can't do anything for me.."And he turned on his side, away from me."You don't understand how much I've been through. No one can help me. And I'm in pain.."I got up on the bed and slid closer to him, ran my hand softly over his hair and gently kissed his cheek."It's alright."I told him, "I can help you..I want to help you.." But you can't."He said, and although he wasn't looking at me he sounded as if his anger was giving way to tears now, "I have to live with this, there's nothing any one can do for me."I kissed his cheek again, ran my hand down his body over the sheet."Be a good boy and turn over for me." I don't want to.."I lost the softness to my voice. It was time to be firm with him."You have two choices. Either you let me treat you or you go back to hospital and have surgery. Your condition will improve with regular therapy. “Come on, I made food.”“Food? What for?”“Well, you’re gonna need your strength tonight. Sit.Pasta con broccoli, with a generous helping of mushroomsto build up the sexual appetite.” She didn’t beat aroundthe bush! “To drink, I thought wine would be nice, but I figuredwe should have some hard stuff to chase it with.” Shepoured two shots of Southern Comfort. “Here’s to fuckinglike animals.”“Cheers!” I downed it. Southern Comfort is famous for picking up the libido,and everything else in the room was made to order for anight of unending sex. I smelled trap, but I was tooturned on to even try doing anything about it. Shedowned hers, then poured herself another and passed methe bottle.“Not yet. I don’t want to lose control too soon.”“Oh, don’t worry. You’ll have complete control soonenough.” That was certainly an enigmatic statement!“Let’s eat..
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