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.........................................................................................................................................................Jacqueline approaches the nursing station handing an envelope to the nursing aide sitting there:--- Here, see to it that the head nurse gets this... I will be by in two days to execute these.Where is this conference room Molly-s husband is in?--- Room 560. She points toward the location.CLICK --- CLICK...!Jacqueline opens room 560. There are six people present in this room, two men and four women. --- This is a private meeting. The Doctor in the room says.--- You Molly-s husband? Jackie asks the other man, who stood when she entered the room.---Yes. And who are you?--- Jacqueline Belaya, VP Luther Corp..., O-Leon-s parent company. Kris looks at Jacqueline strangely. The Doctor introduces himself, as do the other medical people.Jackie hands the Doctor one envelope, and Kris an envelope.--- What this...? Kris asks.--- Legal documents. Sheis very open and has been very confused for a long time. Part of thatis because of us." Us?" Yes, us. She loves us both and is very jealous of our lifestyle.Anyone else that she has met does not measure up. It will be fine, shewill meet the right person sooner or later and we will support her. Ilove having a little sister." And a sister in law." Yes. She told me another story and suggested that I tell you as well.Once I have told this you are never to mention it to her. Understand?" Okay." She had been out with a girl a few times you will remember the girlwith purple hair that she met at college." I nodded. "They had beenhaving sex and both enjoying it. The girl had put a video on the TVshowing lesbian sex, which Jess had never really watched. She admittedthat it had turned her on and had been fascinated by the girls fisting." Does this have something to do with the other night?" Yes. She had told me this before and that is why she made thestatement that she did today.
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