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Gentle waves of brown hair cascaded down her shoulders, falling nearly to the center of her back. A few wisps of hair obscured her face as she smiled shyly up at him. She was quite a bit shorter than he was, which gave him a perfect view of her rather ample cleavage, set out on display by the tight green tank top she was wearing. A pair of white tights hugged her body and revealed that she was not wearing anything beneath them. She had a body that was clearly sculpted by long hours at the gym and the diet of a supermodel, not to mention a healthy dose of amazing genes. He felt his heart skip a beat as he looked into her deep brown eyes, and his words failed him utterly."Hi, my name is Mia" she said. She held out her hand to him."Is that your real name?" he asked. She gave him a look that told him exactly what she thought about that kind of question which amplified his anxiety tenfold. "I mean hi, my name is Luke" he said. He took her hand and shook it in a perfectly perfunctory way.. Elena: (Hmm. I wonder who that could be at this late hour? I bet it’s Amy trying to surprise me! I hope she’s with Aafi.)Elena is shocked seeing the person behind the door. It’s Amy’s mother, Rachel. She storms into the hotel room.The next morning Rachel went to our apartment and couldn’t find us. She went back to Elena’s place and forced her to tell the truth.Back at the penthouse, Amy and I wake up. Before starting the day, I wanted to give something special to Amy. I took two rings out of my pocket.Me: They’re a pair of promise rings. We both wear them to show our love and commitment to each other. It’s also a sign that we both take our relationship very seriously.Amy: That’s so cool, Dad!Me: Here. Give me your hand.I put the ring on her ring finger.Amy: Oh my! Dad, I don’t know what to say.Me: Say that you like it.Amy: What?! I love it! Hahaha! Give me your hand now!I wanted to talk about the first time we did last night. But unfortunately, I got a call from the office asking me.
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