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This is a guy ( let me call this ) from Bangalore, working in a pvt bank. I’m 25 yrs old and based out of btm layout in bangalore. Coming to my looks. I look very good, charming face, perfect height and weight and fair in complexion.Now this incident happened last week. I returned home from office early and was bit bored and thought to video chat with someone. I went to this website called omegle and I got a girl from a nearby locality. Let me call her anu ( name changed ).We introduced ourselves first. She is a 20 yrs old girl, doing her B.Com from one of the colleges in bangalore. Soon the chat started heated-upMe: do you have a bf?She: no I don’t.Me: why so?She: I cannot. My parents are of conservative nature. They don’t like me talking to a guy. How can I have a bfMe: have you kissed anyone / done something like that.She: no. But I want to do it soon. I am dying for it.Have you got a gf?Me: no. Don’t get time from my busy schedule. Even I’m waiting to meet someone.She: you look. We talked together about the snobby girls of St. Mary’s. He kept looking away, then back at my legs.Finally, I said to him, “Tom, I really appreciate you letting us use your storeroom. It sure is nice for Jake and me.”“Well, what are friends for?” he grinned.“Tom, I want to find a way to thank you and I notice you’ve been looking at my legs.” He started to say he wasn’t, but I just smiled.“Don’t deny it. I don’t mind if you look. That’s why I didn’t pull down my skirt when you came back with the soda.” He just stared at me. Jake’s deep breathing told me he was excited. I felt nervous and took a deep breath. “In fact, to thank you better, I’d like you to see more — a lot more. Would you like to watch us?”You go, girl! I thought.“Uh, what?” Tom shook his head. “Did you say what I think you said?”Now that I’d said it once, I was bolder. I looked right at him and said, “Would you like to watch while Jake screws me?”“Uh, yeah! Wow! Jake, did you know about this?”“Yeah, we talked about.
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