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I wonder if its owner has any ammunition for it?Shortly before the drill began, Gerda turned up and fell in beside me."I thought I'd take a short break from my surgery and come over andwatch," she said, lighting a cigarette.When she exhaled an icy wind whisked the smoke away. Given how cold ithad been in the castle courtyard this morning I had donned a heavy coatand was wearing a fur hat. Gerda was no less warmly attired. At Helmut'sshouted command the men started drilling, happy to be in motion if onlyto help stay warm."Looks like we're not the only spectators," said Gerda, nodding towardsthe opposite side of the square where Frau Engelmann was watching fromthe cafe.The way her chest swelled with pride at the sight you'd have thoughtHelmut's squad were an elite SS unit rather than the motley group theyreally were. And yet, as I watched them march up and down I had to admitthey weren't the shambles I'd anticipated. Helmut was also morecommanding than I'd expected, confidently barking. He checked his computers. Both had invisible keystroke recordingsoftware, and it was set to On, just as he'd left it. Neither showed anyactivity from the time he'd left until now.He found panties, bras, stockings, high heels and three dresses in hischest of drawers.Irrationally, he turned around and looked behind him.He listened, but there was no noise in the apartment.He looked under the bed."What the hell?" he said, out loud.He wandered the apartment, now examining everything very closely, lookingfor anything just slightly out of place. He didn't find anything.Allissa was the neighbor he knew best. A black woman across the hall whowas probably sixty or more, she was friendly and kept her eyes on thingsaround the apartment complex."Welcome back, Sammy," she said when she opened the door to his knock."Thanks," he said. "Everything okay?" It certainly is," she said. "Anything wrong, I'd know it. Not much getspast these old eyes," she said with a laugh. "Anything I should knowabout?".
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